How Do I Remove Feral Cats?
Back to listingsIf you remove cats to the shelter to be killed, the problem will get WORSE.
If you spay and neuter the cats, and leave them there, plus use humane deterrents, the problem will get BETTER.
This approach is called Trap, Neuter, Return and Deter or TNR + D.
WIth TNR, - and responsible feeding -the cat population will dwindle, new kittens will not be born, and nuisance habaviors will decrease. In addition, using a variety of humane deterrents will further stop nuisance behaviors.
So the best choice is TNR + D, not only because it is humane, but because it actually WORKS. This is why the ASPCA, the Humane Society of the United States, and also the National Association of Animal Control support this method.
Furthermore, feral cats are euthanized at the shelter. We recommend tyring TNR + D before resorting to an option that is not only inhumane but will not provide long-term relief of the problems. Removing cats is only a short-term fix that will waste time, energy and lives in the long run.
Please check out the section below, “How do I Trap, Neuter, Return (TNR)”.